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Easter at Trinity Church 2025

Sunday, 4/20/25

About the Event

All Church Event

Easter Service Options:
7:00 am
>> On the front lawn (No livestream or Trinity Kid's program at this time).

9:00 am
>> Live indoor service in the Worship Center
>> Middle School will join main service
>> Trinity Kids (infant-5th grade) regular program
>> Online Livestream YouTube,Trinity App or on our website.

11:00 am
>> Live indoor service in the Worship Center.
>> Trinity Kids (infant-5th grade) regular program

*livestream available for 9:00 am service only.

Celebrating our Risen Christ! 

Meet the Man

Easter is God's invitation to one and all to come and experience a totally new way of life available to anyone who is hungry for change!


  • If you want to experience real renewal in your life, you’ve come to the right place...
  • If you want to walk away from a troubled past, You've come to the right place.
  • If you’re hungry for real inner peace and joy, you’ve come to the right place.

To the tomb of Jesus!

When a person comes to the burial site of Jesus with an open mind and a thirsty soul, they always discover a fresh inner joy, a renewed perspective on life, and a powerful hope that is durable and delightful!

How can we be so confident of that? It’s because that was the experience of three burdened hopeless women who came to His tomb that first Easter Sunday Morning. What they found there chased away their despair and ushered in joy, stomped on their frustrations and resurrected awe, and shoved away their doubts and slathered them with fresh hope!

And folks...if it can happen for can happen for us! The reality of the empty tomb and its message of new life is just as real today as it was back then! Come and meet the man! The risen King of life!

Good Friday Service