Plan Your Visit.

Men gathering together are opportunities for:

    • Connection: Time to get to know each other
    • Study: Spend time in the Bible and discover helpful resources
    • Prayer: A chance to lift up needs to God for His help
    • Exhortation: Spur each other on to love and good works 

Men's groups meet throughout the week in different locations. If interested in a group, please contact the leader for details and location.

Mondays | 7:00-8:00 am
Led by Dennis Grimes, 909-557-5380 | Rick Carter, 909-499-6783
Studying1 Corinthians

Mondays | 6:30-8:30 pm
Led by Rick Carter, 909-499-6783 | James Beaver, 909-647-7735 | Jay Fitzgerald, 909-747-2266
Discussing relevant topics for men

Tuesdays | 6:00-7:15 am
Led by Neil Robinson, 951-264-4430 | Tim Kay, 714-457-2048
Studying various books of the Bible 

Tuesdays | 6:00-7:15 am 
Led by John Nash, 909-730-3487 | Rick Carter, 909-499-6783
Studying Hosea

Wednesday | 7:00-9:00 pm
Led by Leisure Yu, 909-214-2105
Trinity Church
Studying Daniel

Thursdays | 6:00-7:00 am (Group closed for this session)
Led by Jerry Monahan, 909-215-5525 
Trinity Church
Pure Desire Seven Pillars of Freedom  

Thursdays | 7:30-9:30 pm 
Led by  Jon Rittenhouse 909-534-9474 | Ben Lee, 949-378-3357
Trinity Church
Discussing various practical and theological topics

Fridays | 6:00-7:30 am
Led by Jack Shea, 951-505-2351 
Studying 1 John

Fridays | 6:00-8:00 am
Led by Dan Arone, 951-534-4118 | Mike Salladin, 714-588-0137
Discussing deep personal topics for men. Perfect for imperfect men

Saturdays | 6:30-8:00 am
Led by Bill Clayton Sr, 909-499-7180 | Scott Clayton, 909-765-6484
San Bernardino
Studying Revelation

Saturdays | 7:00-8:00 (prayer) 8:00-9:30 am (study)
Led by Ken Fry, 909-363-6220 | Rich Hooker, 909-882-8143 | Rod Bailey, 951-743-4260
Trinity Church
Book study: If there is a God, wouldn’t you want to know Him.