TMOMs Winter/Spring 2025
Friday, April 11, 2025, 9:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Designed specifically for expectant mothers and mothers of newborns through 5-year-olds. Share in encouraging table discussions with other moms and mentors who have been in our shoes and hear from interesting speakers. A break for mom, a fun morning out for the kids! There are also great monthly outings for Moms and kids.
Full cost for the semester is $90 with limited childcare available on a first-come-first-served basis. To help with family budgeting, a deferred payment option is offered--$45 paid at time of registration with the balance due by March 21. If you need additional financial help, please email the address below—don’t let cost be a hindrance.
Meets every other Friday, 9:00-11:00 am:
January 24
February 7 & 21
March 7 & 21
April 11 & 25
May 9.
Childcare is currently full at this time. To be added to the waitlist please email Julie Ross, Director of Child Care & Nursery Services.
For questions or interest, please contact .