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Promised Hope for Women

There is hope for anyone who struggles with:

  • betrayal and hurt of a husband’s sexual sin
  • shame or guilt from a past abortion
  • shame of past sexual sin
  • unwanted sexual behavior
  • grief of a miscarriage

Women who are sensitive to those hurts and/or have journeyed through similar issues are available to walk the journey through pain and healing.

To talk to someone, reach out to Mindy Sames 909-260-1564.  All calls are confidential. You don't have to walk this alone.

Addressing Betrayal Trauma 

Walking through betrayal of any kind is very difficult. Walking through it as a partner means your heart is broken and you likely feel alone in your pain. There are many groups that work through the process of healing together in a safe place where God meets us on this journey. Navigating recovery from sexual betrayal can be confusing and overwhelming, find your strength in Jesus for healing and post-traumatic growth, by reaching out to learn about groups available.
