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New study of 1& 2 Timothy begins March 5

The letters to Timothy are among Paul's most personal and practical epistles. The apostle writes to instruct this younger man in the importance of sound doctrine and to urge him to rebuke false teaching. This study shows how Paul's letters exhort all Christians to protect and pass on the true gospel of Jesus Christ, which has the power to save and transform sinners.

Those new to the Bible and those who have studied for years are encouraged to join this time of connection, worship, praying, studying and discussing God’s Word. Small group time allows for deeper connections and friendships.

Wednesdays, 9:00-11:15 am and 7:00-9:00 pm. 

Cost for the semester is $45 and includes the study book. Childcare is available for morning sessions.

Financial assistance is also available as needed by contacting Women’s Ministries. Please don’t let cost be a hindrance.

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